Avoid Sexual Assault, Everyday Ways for Women Self Protection

Many women do not feel safe in their lives, and when their personal safety is sexually assaulted, they are also prone to panic. This daily self-protection tip is for every woman who needs to be protected.

 (1).Take the elevator alone

  1. Women should avoid sharing an elevator with strangers of the opposite sex when they are alone.
  2. When sharing an elevator with a stranger, please turn off the music and leave your headphones on.
  3. Pay attention to the stranger according to the floor, according to the same floor and very strange, please keep an eye.
  4. Women should try not to turn their backs on strangers in elevators.
  5. Get in and out of the elevator and notice if your fellow passengers look evil. Try to stand where the control button. Once you are attacked, press all the buttons with your hands immediately, and shout to the outside world, don't fight with your bare hands.

    (2). Walk alone at night

    • Don't go out alone at midnight. If you have to go out at night, try to find a partner or ask friends and relatives to pick you up.
    • Women go home alone, must be prepared in advance before entering the key, do not arrive at the door still looking for the key, it is easy to follow you bad guys have a chance.
    • Pretend to be on the phone when you are walking at night, and say something like "Honey, I'll be with you in a minute" to make the tailgater think the person you are talking to is nearby. Or go to a crowded place, such as a supermarket or shopping market.
    • Live alone, when you come home to form the habit of saying "I'm back", to avoid others know that you are living alone.
    • Do not choose to walk in solitary places, even if you need to walk further, also try to choose a route with many people.
    • Don't just play mobile phone, listen to music on the road, in case of accident.
    • Pay more attention to the surrounding environment, predict the existing risk factors in advance, and avoid them.
    • When you come home late, you should walk on well-lit streets. When you go upstairs, ring the doorbell to inform your family.

    (3) Self-defense

    • The premise of self-defense is that the other party has no accomplice, no weapon, and equal strength. If you can escape, please escape! When there is a disparity in strength, don't fight.
    • Nails, heels, knees, etc. can be used to attack the offender, focusing on the vital points. Eyes, fingers, if the offender is armed, don't fight to the death, look for a chance to escape.
    • A woman's backpack is likely to be your shield. If someone pulls out a knife and stabs you, use the backpack as a shield.
    • If the offender puts you in a chokehold, forcefully snap his little finger.
    • If you are suddenly embraced by the offender, push your head up to hit him on the chin.

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